1. Women's Resistance against Patriarchal Culture in the novella Al-Lawn Al-Akhar by Ihsan Abdul Quddus
Author(s): Nurul Istiqomah, Evelin Giovani, Survey Sijabat
2. The Interpretation of Song Lyrics by Fortwnty in the Album Nalar: A Study of Riffaterre's Semiotics
Author(s): Survey Sijabat, Evelin Giovani, Ekfindar Diliana
3. An Analysis of Main Character's Motivation in Jack London's Short Story Entitled to Build A Fire
Author(s): Anak Agung Bagus Ari Sentana, Marnina Marnina, Sri Winarsih
4. An Analysis of Feminism In “Colette” Movie Script by Wash Westmoreland
Author(s): Selvira Tatawalat, Sri Winarsih, Marnina Marnina
5. Humanistic Psychology Study of Main Character's Inner Conflict in Paulo Coelho's Novel
Author(s): Wahyuniar Wahyuniar, Angla Florensy Sauhenda, Elni Wahyuni

Published: 2023-07-11