1. An Analysis of Illocutionary Act in Western Song Lyrics “Espresso By Sabrina Carpenter”
Author(s): Valentine C.I. Letsoin, Khanna Maulidia ‘Ashr
2. Deixis analysis on Imagine Song by John Lennon
Author(s): Aura Akmalia Yudanti, Rawuh Yuda Yuwana
3. Affixation on a News Article Titled Akhir Desember Proyek Pengaman Pantai di Teluk Jakarta Kelar Dibangun
Author(s): Laurensia Elya Puspita, Fifin Dwi Saputri, Karmelia Ohoilulin
4. Uncovering Gender Disparity in Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin
Author(s): Aditya Ridho Fatmawan, Jesica Vanessa Hutapea, Ni Made Ignityas Prima Astuti
5. Language Crime Practices: Cyberbullying in the TikTok Comment Section (Review) – A Forensic Linguistics Analysis
Author(s): Ratu Rulkis Ramli, Laurensia Elya Puspita, Angla Florensy Sauhenda
6. Representation of Gender Injustice in the Novel "Gadis Pantai" by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Author(s): Ni Made Ignityas Prima Astuti, Made Aditya Dharma, Aditya Ridho Fatmawan
1. Preliminary Investigation: Students’ English Achievement During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Author(s): Khadijah Maming, Achmad Abdul Choliq, Nasrullah A.
2. Turn Taking Analysis on Loki Series Season 1 (Episode 2)
Author(s): Aura Akmalia Yudanti, Tyoma Risca Cahyanti Purba
3. The Analysis of Deixis on “Closed Doors” Song
Author(s): Khanna Maulidia 'Ashr, Rawuh Yuda Yuwana
4. An Analysis of Adjacency Pairs in Stephen Colbert and Chris Hemsworth's Interview on The Late Show
Author(s): Dwi Permata Sari, Eva Meita Trisnawati
5. The Analysis of Bahasa Indonesia Phrases in the Short Story Entitled "Balikui" by Putu Wijaya
Author(s): Ekfindar Diliana, Halimah Anggun Nurrani, Marsela Wandawon, Veronika Dorotea Adongo Kaize, Dina Martha Jambormias, Katarina Tawurutubun
1. Women's Resistance against Patriarchal Culture in the novella Al-Lawn Al-Akhar by Ihsan Abdul Quddus
Author(s): Nurul Istiqomah, Evelin Giovani, Survey Sijabat
2. The Interpretation of Song Lyrics by Fortwnty in the Album Nalar: A Study of Riffaterre's Semiotics
Author(s): Survey Sijabat, Evelin Giovani, Ekfindar Diliana
3. An Analysis of Main Character's Motivation in Jack London's Short Story Entitled to Build A Fire
Author(s): Anak Agung Bagus Ari Sentana, Marnina Marnina, Sri Winarsih
4. An Analysis of Feminism In “Colette” Movie Script by Wash Westmoreland
Author(s): Selvira Tatawalat, Sri Winarsih, Marnina Marnina
5. Humanistic Psychology Study of Main Character's Inner Conflict in Paulo Coelho's Novel
Author(s): Wahyuniar Wahyuniar, Angla Florensy Sauhenda, Elni Wahyuni
1. Motivational Strategy of English Teachers in Promoting the Secondary School Students'Learning Achievement in English Subject
Author(s): NKhadijah Maming, Sudarmanto Sudarmanto
2. The Students' and Teachers' Voices During Pandemic Learning
Author(s): Sianna Sianna, Ali Wira Rahman, Zubaidah B.A. Rasyid
3. Enhancing the Mathematics Education Students Reading Comprehension with STAD Technique
Author(s): Jihat Nurrahman, Hodairiyah Hodairiyah, Ray Suryadi
4. Analizyng the Signifier and Signified of Hyperbole in Katy Perry's Songs
Author(s): Christo Alobyaman Yabarmase 5. Mispronouncing English Vowel Sounds on Office Administrative's Students Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
Author(s): Ary Iswanto Wibowo, Wiruma Titian Adi, Rizky Mirana Desi Pratama